הרודנות הערמומית של מושגים מופשטים של "טובת הכלל"
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One of the cardinal precepts of today’s Machiavellians and their esoteric court philosophers is the imperative of rewriting the operative rules early and often... קרא עוד.
בואו נפסיק להשקיע פריחה רטורית עם משקל חוקי
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We now face an entrenched elite, backed by the full might of the Deep State and its well-researched tools of cognitive conditioning who see us as a largely unindividuated... קרא עוד.
האבות המטופשים האלה בטלוויזיה
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Watching this non-stop line of messaging you’d almost believe there are some powerful people out there in media-land who fantasize quite actively about a world... קרא עוד.
גורם הסדיזם
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If you have the ability, through your complete control of the government and media matrix to get an obviously mentally incompetent man into the highest office in... קרא עוד.
הרס השפה ככלי כוח
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It’s currently very fashionable in certain circles to talk about emotional resilience. What no one seems to talk about is cognitive or intellectual resilience,... קרא עוד.
העלות הגבוהה של ניפוץ גבולות הגיוניים
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Boundary-setting, and with it the transmission of trans-generational knowledge and the ability to calculate one’s true emotional proximity to others, are essential... קרא עוד.
איך ולמה האינטלקטואלים בגדו בנו
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Will we renew our trust in the dignity, moral autonomy and inherent miraculousness of each individual human being? Or will we, in our absent-minded drift away from... קרא עוד.
איזה סוג של תרבות הם מתכננים עבורך?
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Those who in this very moment are seeking to radically change our core conceptions of liberty and our relationships to our own bodies though their aggressive culture-planning... קרא עוד.
ביטול האשמה הבריאה מוביל לשלטון שיימינג
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If we are to immunize ourselves against their ever more aggressive and manipulative designs, we must talk back to their constant and abusive invocation of the specter... קרא עוד.
השפלה טקסית, בילדות ובפוליטיקה
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My experience in academia and many other realms of life has shown me that the desire to humiliate others and thus putatively raise one’s cache of social capital—an... קרא עוד.
האשליות הכפייתית של המוח הקיסרי
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Perhaps it is time to admit that much of what occurred during the acute phase of the Covid crisis was, in many ways, the culmination of a long multi-decade process... קרא עוד.
לא דתי? אולי תרצה לבדוק את זה שוב
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Since time immemorial super-elites have worked assiduously to convince the second-tier elites and the masses further below that their highly class-specific “victories”... קרא עוד.